Executive Search

There are many reasons to recruit new talent: to support growth, to develop a new area of activity, to address customers’ emerging requirements, to acquire new skills, to replace an employee who is leaving the company, and many more besides. In an ever-changing environment, the recruitment of managers and executives is a key driver of performance.


Leadership, Talent & Transformation

We offer integrated solutions to Hungarian and international companies who realized that business strategy and corporate talent management are most successful when managed together.

We believe that organizational development means more than the development of the organizational structure. Our precisely assessed and company-tailored solutions have an impact on the activities, operations and culture of the entire organization.

With our solutions, we provide our customers with a competitive advantage by making the company better suited, more aware and more efficient managers and employees.


successful placement
in 2023


training days
in 2023


coaching sessions
in 2023


assessed people
in 2023

About us

Since 1991, Arthur Hunt has been offering a customized and flexible Executive Search service, HR support, organizational and leadership development, and talent management.

Our belief is that corporate success is based on committed and talented people. With our solutions, we provide our customers with a competitive advantage by making their companies better suited, more aware and more efficient managers and employees.

With the highest professional competence and quality, we support our clients in building efficient, well-functioning and up-to-date organizations, whether in a domestic or international environment.

We help our clients to find the most suitable candidate for them and, if necessary, our LTT team helps with the selection with AC/DC service, as well as supports the employees who need it with leadership development. In this way, our two business branches contribute to fulfilling the requests of our partners.